
Why we need people centric leadership in events

We see varying levels of system approaches and people centric approaches in volunteer management. One approach is relying on a volunteer management system (software) to solve the recruitment problem, the other is reluctance to use a system out of fear to lose the connection with volunteers. I believe the solution is a combination of a system approach AND people centric leaders to run a volunteer program effectively.

We often get asked one of the following two questions “Why do I need a system, I am just fine doing the rostering in my head?” and “How much is it to use your database?” Then the other day I listened to a podcast where an accountant spoke about their service and the impact of accounting software on the service they provide. Now everyone can basically do their own accounting but it doesn’t replace the service that is provided by professional accountants. I could see so many parallels to volunteer management in event and community organisations.

Seven years ago when we started Eventeamwork there were very few volunteer management systems on the market. Back then volunteer management typically involved many manual tasks around rostering and communication, particularly for volunteer programs involving hundreds of people over multiple days. These days there are literally hundreds of software solution to assist with database management and rostering on the market and there are more appearing every other week.

The search for efficiency and automation is changing the volunteer management field just like in the accounting profession. The system is really important to assist with the manual tasks, avoid errors and provide a better and faster registration experience for people. Coordinators save time and do their jobs more efficiently. They can now concentrate on planning and improving the volunteer program, focussing on communication and engagement, all of which will make the program more effective.

However the thread of having a system, particularly if it includes automation such as automatic confirmations and reminder messages, self-scheduling, self check-in etc, it can also be easy to lose touch with your volunteers. Where previously there would have been many emails and phone calls to determine availability and confirming rosters, we now need to find other ways to stay connected and have real communications.

Engagement is important and can get lost in the process of relying too much on the system. This unfortunately results in low attendance and low retention rates. The missing engagement and connection also contributes to volunteers at times being seen as a commodity rather than a valuable team member.

Interestingly the system approach is often experienced in event volunteer programs, whereas volunteer coordinators in community organisations tend to be fully aware of the importance of the engagement piece and the organisations often shy away from systems.

Just like in the accountant example, volunteer management systems cannot replace a volunteer coordinator. They cannot replace the building of relationships and connections between people and organisations. However systems can indeed add convenience and efficiency to the profession that allows volunteer coordinators to focus on planning and improvement rather than being bogged down by manual tasks.

As with everything, it’s about finding the right balance.

An effective volunteer program combines system and people centric leadership

While a good system helps volunteer coordinators be more efficient, to be able to really engage people and to retain people over time we need to go beyond systems. Engagement is key to achieving positive outcomes for organisations. Creating positive experiences for volunteers and engaging them in the outcomes will have a ripple effect on creating positive experiences for clients or attendees.

Volunteer management is more than allocating bodies to positions and the aspect of managing people, having conversations, ensuring well-being and satisfaction cannot be replaced by even the greatest systems.

Your engagement determines your culture, it is how you interact with staff, volunteers and people in general. Your culture will determine if your organisation can reach a competitive advantage. Anyone can replicate products and services. Anyone can get a volunteer management system but it’s what you do with it that will make all the difference. Nobody can replicate your unique culture.

So yes, systems are great in making our life easier and saving time on manual tasks but considering people and engagement will set you apart.

Why It Matters that Event Volunteers are Not Outsourced

outsourcing volunteers

When event organisers first approach us, we often hear the following “Can you please provide us with 50 volunteers?” It always makes me cringe. Nobody can be providing people to anyone, let alone volunteers. I think it’s interesting that especially short-term staff and volunteers are often thought of as a commodity.

To clarify, we don’t trade volunteers. We provide a management service that helps event organisers to leverage their volunteer program to achieve positive event outcomes. People volunteer for an organisation because they support the cause or align with their values. How can you outsource your volunteers and expect them to represent your organisation?

From our experience managers who understand the value their volunteers bring to their event and organisations often fear working with an outside management service. It is those organisations that by adopting a more effective volunteer management are able to achieve more positive outcomes.

Why outsourcing your people may hurt your event

Nonetheless there is an interesting trend happening. More and more event organisations are looking for a “done for you” service and do not want anything to do with it.

The underlying problems for this trend are:

  • High turnover of short-term staff
  • High no-show rates of volunteers
  • Volunteers often don’t know what they are doing
  • Volunteers often don’t represent the organisation

As organisations struggle with this, the blame often falls to the staff and volunteers and the solution is sought in outsourcing this ‘hassle’ altogether.

This is a short-term fix as it ensures that there are sufficient people at the event to provide the required services. However, from my experience, organisations don’t do themselves a favour by bandaging the problem and outsourcing this important responsibility.

The outcomes can be quite negative. Negative customer feedback can damage the brand and lead to a decrease in fundraising or ticket sales, and difficulties to attract sponsors, staff and volunteers.

Due to the short-term or as I call it ‘cyclic’ thinking, this often becomes the norm of how things are managed each year. As a result organisations cannot see the opportunities available by putting more focus on their people to achieve different and better outcomes.

Re-thinking what to outsource

On the other hand there are hundreds of studies showing a direct relation between staff engagement and productivity. People who are more engaged and looked after in their workplace get more done, stay longer and identify with their organisation. As far as I am aware there are no studies about volunteer engagement being linked to customer service yet, however considering we are working with people, we can assume the same is true for volunteers. If you take away remuneration as an incentive, engagement is even more important for volunteers.

So what does that mean for the future of event organisations?

Well, outsourcing sure has its place but maybe we need to re-think what exactly is being outsourced. Is it the recruitment, the administration, the management or the people?

I believe we can outsource systems, processes and procedures such as recruitment; administration and the entire management but outsourcing the people can do some real damage to your organisation and brand.

This is going to become a lot more relevant as competition for sponsors, funding and customers grows. Often your volunteers are your biggest assets to create the customer experience. It makes sense that you want to ensure they are managed and looked after well. Investing in good management is essential to achieve positive outcomes.

Volunteers also need to identify with your organisation and this can only be achieved by engaging them in your organisation. It seems illogical to give this part away – the part of aligning people with your vision, goals and values. It is the part that makes your organisation unique and standout and will be the determining part in keeping your event organisation sustainable.

If you want to focus on effective volunteer management and need some help, book in for a FREE Volunteer Management Chat with me.

3 Steps to a Winning Strategy for your Event Volunteer Program

winning strategy

Constantly running against multiple deadlines? There are just so many hours in the day and just so much you can do? Yes this is the reality not just for event managers. This makes it all the harder to make any changes to how and why things are done in your organisation. But effective planning can save you time and money.

Our experience in working with hundreds of events demonstrated that investing time in the planning of your volunteer program will achieve better outcomes for your event and organisation. Creating a better volunteer experience does achieve a better customer experience. It will also increase volunteer retention rates, which will save you time and money in the long run due to less recruitment and training needed.

So why is it that so few event organisers embrace this? Why is the strategic approach beyond the next event missing in organisations? I believe the tendency to contract work in the event industry fuels this short-term vision and prevents people from looking beyond their contracts to ensure sustainable organisations.

However, in this world that gets more competitive every day and where more organisations are looking for the same funding or the same sponsorship dollars, can leaders really afford not to look at opportunities that can provide a higher return in the long run? Wouldn’t it be beneficial even to short-term staff to assist organisations stay sustainable to ensure future work opportunities?

But how do you ensure your investment in volunteer program planning is effective and achieves the expected return? Where do you start? We have put together three simple steps you can do to get started with incorporating more volunteer program planning that achieves a positive impact.

1. Vision and impact of our organisation

Every organisation has a vision but sometimes that is forgotten in the day-to-day routine. It is important to check in regularly that all the actions you are taking within the organisation point to your vision and the impact you want to have locally or even on the world.

Reconnecting to the bigger picture of what your organisation is here to achieve can be very empowering. This is especially true when things are tough or when you have fallen into a routine.

It is also great to share this with the rest of your event team. This will not only re-inspire everyone but it also creates a bigger picture in which you operate as an organisation. It will put all your tasks into context and you will make your decisions with view of the bigger picture, even when under time pressure.This post is sponsored by our partners Wigs

Think about how this would influence your supplier choices for example.

2. Create roles strategically

The outcomes you would like to achieve with your event specifically and with your organisation in the long-term determine the tasks that will achieve those outcomes.

For example, if you would like to have visitors enjoying themselves at the event you can create tasks such as welcoming visitors, being available to provide information about the event site and locations readily, directing visitors around the site to achieve a smooth crowd flow, assisting visitors etc.

Often event organisers create tasks on event day based on what needs to be done in that moment. As these tasks were not planned, people were not recruited and trained specifically and often the connection to the vision or the organisation is missing. The results are poor turn up rates at the event, poor customer service and poor retention rates past the current event.

Volunteer roles that are connected to the outcomes are more meaningful for the volunteer and therefore serve the event by creating better customer experiences. The results are higher turn up and retention rates.

3. The plan

Finally the volunteer roles determine when you need to complete each of the tasks for recruitment, engagement, training and onsite management.

As you are planning each of the tasks you will be very focused on the volunteer roles you have created and the outcomes you want to achieve. Organising this in a timeline or planning document will help you stay on track.

Adopting this approach of planning saves time down the track. Focusing on the outcomes means all your actions will be more effective towards achieving those outcomes.

Why not give it a try? Maybe a few months prior to your next event, spend a day with your team reconnecting to the organisational vision and the outcomes you are trying to achieve. Then plan the volunteer roles and then set the tasks for implementing the volunteer program.

Do you notice a difference? I would be keen to hear your comments on how the planning of your volunteer program is working.

If you would like a simple template to follow this 3-step process download our free Volunteer Program Planning Template.

Program Planning Template

Are you really saving costs with your Event Volunteer Program, and should you?

saving costs

From small to large-scale events, something everyone deals with is allocating limited resources. Often this means that the time frames for event contractors, including volunteer coordinators are getting shorter. This means that the volunteer coordinator is required to plan and implement the volunteer program in less time in the interest of saving costs. But is it really a saving or does it end up a far bigger cost than you thought?

What, for example, are the costs if your volunteers are not treating your event attendees welcoming and friendly? What are the costs if your volunteers don’t know how to help your visitors? What are the costs if your volunteers are stressed out or bored? How does this affect your customer’s experience? What does that mean for your organisation’s brand image?

This is what could happen if the volunteer program is not planned effectively. These costs are not as easy to quantify as a shorter contract for your volunteer coordinator. However, to put this in perspective, would you consider the design of your marketing material a waste of money, for example?

If you’d like to have a better designed brochure, you typically need to invest some time and money and the result is more professional and can leverage more exposure and credibility. And just as a badly designed brochure could have a negative impact on your organisation, poorly planned volunteer programs can have a negative impact on your event outcomes.

Investment in the volunteer program is required to achieve a different outcome. What if you would look at your volunteers as your event day brochure? Your volunteers are the ones on the ground who will be the first contact with your customer, they are the ones who talk about your event and organisation and provide services to your event patrons. Your volunteers can be your professional “brochure” if you value them as people and invest in their experience.

So what does investing in your volunteers mean? Think about your organisational objectives and the event outcomes you want to achieve. Then think about how your volunteers support this. Then design the volunteer experience in your plan.

A solid plan is essential, as it defines the quality of the implementation of your volunteer program.

Volunteer Program Planning

On a regular basis it is important to review and reflect on why your organisation is engaging volunteers. What are the big goals your organisation is out there to achieve and how does your volunteer program support that? This will clarify what to focus on during the implementation phase of the program. It will make the job of the volunteer coordinator and the rest of the event team a lot easier.

For your volunteer program to have a positive impact on your event, you need to allocate time for yourself or your team to plan. A solid planning phase will define the quality of the implementation of your volunteer program.

Your planning phase should include a review of your registration system as well as the processes to attract, engage and train and supervise volunteers. This will clarify your approach to recruitment, engagement, training and onsite management.Article Sponsored Find something for everyone in our collection of colourful, bright and stylish socks. Buy individually or in bundles to add color to your sock drawer!

When you have a clear plan and a clear goal in mind, the implementation will be easy. Instead of recruiting a certain number of volunteers, you now create a volunteer experience in order to achieve your anticipated outcomes.

Quality rather than quantity

A successful volunteer program is about quality rather than quantity. Quality lets you leverage your efforts to create amazing events for your audiences.

Just like when producing a professional brochure, it is worthwhile investing time and money in your volunteer program. The outcome will be a team of people who will become the extension of your event or organisational brand.

What’s your experience? How do you measure your volunteer program impact?

Program Planning Template

Want help?

If you would like help with your volunteer program planning book in for a 15-minute FREE consultation with me.

5 Tips to Boost your Event Volunteer Recruitment

Volunteer Recruitment

Volunteer recruitment is the most obvious part of the volunteer management process. That is likely the reason why it is often interchangeably referred to as volunteer management.

Volunteer management however is a lot more complex with planning, engagement, training, support and communication. Volunteer recruitment is a part of this system – a crucial part of course in ensuring we get people involved with our event. Understanding its interdependency with the other areas of volunteer management is the key to succeed with volunteer recruitment.

The recruitment process can be challenging and stressful as many events heavily rely on volunteers but struggle with attracting enough volunteers. I have put together a few tips to help boost volunteer recruitment for your next event.

1. Preparation

Planning your recruitment is essential. Otherwise the recruitment drive is random, likely resulting in a poor outcome. It is key to plan how people will reach you and sign up. You can have the best recruitment call in place but if you don’t have an effective registration process you will lose people along the way before they even register.

Make registering easy. If you put yourself in the shoes of the potential volunteer during the process, you will be able to identify any obstacles that may prevent people from signing up. You could also test your process with a few colleagues.

Beware that the devil is in the detail. Think of a clearly structured volunteer registration page, an easy-to-navigate form and a phone number available for people to call if they encounter difficulties as a great foundation for your volunteer recruitment.

2. Roles

It is very common in the event industry to manage volunteers on a task by task basis rather than creating roles. Unfortunately, the more basic the role the less meaningful it is to the volunteer. Consider that the more importance you put on a role, the more importance a volunteer will put on its execution.

People are looking to assist events and organisations in a meaningful way. In addition, often people who volunteer are highly skilled in their professions. Most of these skills are transferable, so why not tap into this resource of expertise if it satisfies the event’s and the volunteer’s needs at the same time?

Creating meaningful roles will make roles more attractive for recruitment but also create a higher volunteer engagement, which will impact the overall visitor experience.

3. Your Offer

Your offer determines whom you attract as a volunteer. Incentives can be part of your offer but the most important is the experience you offer to a volunteer. In other terms what the volunteer will get out of volunteering at your event. This can differ from person to person but generally this may include skill development, being involved with a cause they care about, pro bono skilled work, meeting people and numerous others.

Consider the volunteer roles you need to fill and who would be your ideal person to fill these. Your ideal person may be part of a specific interest group or a specific industry. And your ideal person may be looking for different experiences and incentives than what you are currently offering.If you are looking for bracelet. There’s something to suit every look, from body-hugging to structured, from cuffs to chain chain bracelet and cuffs.

Considering your target volunteers and their needs will help you create an offer that if delivered will keep volunteers motivated and committed to your event.

4. Channels

With email being less and less effective for recruitment conversations, it seems obvious to turn to social media. Social media hugely assists volunteer recruitment as it opened up opportunities to target specific groups, interests and locations.

However, it is also important to review where you find your ideal target market. There may be easier ways to reach them more effectively at a local club or at an expo for example.

Choosing the relevant channels will save you time and allows you to craft a tailored message.

5. Communication

Communication is key, both to events and to working with people. The more you can communicate and keep people informed along the way, the better engagement you will achieve.

The message you are trying to get across needs to be very clear to be effective. In marketing, going out to everyone is the most expensive way of promoting an opportunity. The same is true for volunteer recruitment. Going out and asking everyone dilutes the message.

A clear, targeted message lays out the benefits and requirements relevant to the target market before people register to volunteer.

Communicating more clearly before people register will achieve two things. It will show the commitment required, which will attract people who are serious about helping out. It will also cut out the ones who were not serious in the first place but just sign up in case it could become interesting. A clear message will save you a lot of time in the recruitment process and beyond.

Want some help?

How effective your volunteer recruitment is largely depends on how well you prepare for it and the clarity of your message to your target market.

If you need help with your volunteer recruitment check out our 6-Step Checklist that will help you improve volunteer recruitment and create better events.  CLICK HERE for FREE download.