

Hey, my name is Jana Wunderlich. I created Eventeamwork back in 2011, together with my then business partner Flavia Fontes.

A lot has changed since those early days, but every step was such an important part of the journey, a journey in which creating amazing outcomes for our clients was always our driving force.

To get a real understanding of who we are and why we do what we do, I will tell you a bit more of that journey…

When Flavia and I started Eventeamwork, we came from working as event managers, and our main focus was on supporting events with their volunteer programs. We saw that there was a real need for expertise in this specific area for medium to large scale events. We were able to offer a solution, whereby the management of volunteers was outsourced to us, but volunteers were still engaged by the organisation/ event.

Since starting Eventeamwork in 2011, we had the pleasure to work on hundreds of volunteer programs, coordinate thousands of volunteers, work on incredible events and be part of creating amazing experiences for people – volunteers and customers alike.

During the first 5 years we worked on over 20 events a year, there weren’t many days that weren’t event days. We had the most wonderful team of staff to implement programs for our clients Australia wide.

Over time, a few things happened:

  • I noticed, while our solution offered great strategies and processes for event organisations and created amazing outcomes for many organisations, there were still some organisations who simply couldn’t achieve those same outcomes. That just didn’t sit right with me and I was determined to figure out why.
  • I implemented a year long training and coaching program for volunteer managers in Nonprofits and saw first hand the challenges they faced, and how few solutions there are available to them
  • I did some consulting work and understood the major challenges nonprofit leaders are facing
  • After Flavia moved on from Eventeamwork, I consistently overworked, because I thought that was required to keep things going. Eventually, I burned out and I struggled with my own purpose and value, before I slowly rebuild myself and Eventeamwork.

As a result of all of this, my focus and vision for Eventeamwork has shifted. While re-defining how we best support organisations, Covid happened and pulled the last bit of the rug (of event work) from underneath us, and also provided the space to re-birth Eventeamwork.

While we stayed true to our VALUES, the services we are providing changed. From day 1 of Eventeamwork, our strongest value was around people and building community. This still stands strong, and we developed some amazing strategies over the years that create efficiencies and effectiveness in volunteer management. We streamlined processes and we know volunteer engagement and its impacts inside out.

But… when I saw some clients not achieving the same outcomes as others, I was really baffled as to how that is possible.

So, following a lot of research, many conversations, and working through some pretty big personal development myself, I understood that the key to success is of course the human, the leader. And only an aligned leader can truly implement human centred management.

So, while we still love helping organisations with their volunteer management, and support volunteer managers with strategies and processes, I founded Unstoppable Nonprofit to work with Nonprofit Leaders and support them in aligning withe their values to create a culture that keeps people engaged. This empowers the entire organisation, including supporting the volunteer manager and attracts both more money and more support to the organisation.

I am really proud that we stayed true to our values throughout this journey, and that we can now offer an array of consulting and coaching services that I am 100% confident create real outcomes for leaders and organisations, supported by our IMPACTS method.


Our Vision is to see more organisations consistently create a bigger impact and create more positive change in the world.


  • To provide solutions which help leaders achieve their vision, achieve more and fall back in love with what they are doing.
  • To empower leaders through our IMPACTS framework so that they can manage people effectively and efficiently and create a greater impact for their clients, their organisations and their communities


  • People are at the heart of every organisation
  • Standing in your value is key to achieving better outcomes
  • Creating win-win situations
  • Supporting transformations that serve organisations long-term


Originally from Berlin, Germany, I have been living in Australia since 2005. Funny enough it was never my plan to stay here after my travels, but alas I fell in love with this beautiful country.Ā 

To Be Continued…


In 2014 Eventeamwork were the proud winners of the Australian Event Awards in the category ā€œBest Product or Serviceā€ after having been finalists in the same category in 2013. We are delighted to have been shortlisted as a finalist in the 2017 Awards.